A new standpoint
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Dispirited...That's the best word to illustrate my approach at work. Many of times, I feel so disappointed with the management. They came up with several changes that were implemented to ensure of procedures that would take up less hassle. However, these changes only seem to provide more problems due to the ineptitude of the management. I honestly feel so frustrated spending tons of time explaining to aggravated parents, who either loves to scream across the earpiece or just have the bad habit of slamming the phone on purpose, on matters that can be resolved if only the management had been more competent. Moreover, I dislike their tendency to throw a heavy load of work onto one without even giving specific instructions. I even had to call the boss several times to clarify, but there are still doubts present even after all the clarifications. The issue that provoked me the most was the fact that the extra load of work which I was forced to do wasn't even supposed to be my job in the first place. The staff in the main office should be responsible instead. I hate it that they take advantage of me just because I'm weak-minded in refusing. It has come to a point where I wish I can just leave this job immediately. However after much consideration, I'm still staying on. I realized that the predicament becomes less problematic once you take a different outlook. One of my colleague said to me, "You just do according to how much they pay you." That advice was like an antidote. It makes perfect sense. Why should I bother myself with so many problems if the amount of money that I earned is not even worth the efforts that I put in? My new philosophy of work: heck - care!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11:32 pm
Finally Wed is here again
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Wednesday... I love the sound of the word nowadays. Not for any reason, but simply because it's the only day in the week that I can take a break and rest my mind off work. I'm beginning to take things easy in my workplace as I understand that if I don't learn to do that, I'll end up visiting a psychiatrist soon. Hehe, I'm joking. It's not really that serious. However, there is already some form of pressure that I face, regardless of whether it's coming from the management, the parents and even the teachers themselves. I see different kinds of people practically everyday. Money-minded bosses... Results-orientated parents... Arrogant teachers... It's after looking at them do I realise how blessed I indeed am to have a parent that doesn't persistently push me to excellence, but instead stay by my side and encourage me to perform to the best of my abilities.
Looking on the bright side, working in the centre has introduced me to many folks that I enjoy being with. When I get bored, I'll skive and call the staff in Seng Kang to gossip and have a chinwag. As a result, I make two new friends - Yue Lin and Yan Shan. The three of us talk about anything under the sun, from complaining about our work to personal matters like love relationships and our characters. Haha, I'm still trying to dig out information from Yue Lin on who is the man of her dreams. Well, at least I know he was from my class. Now, the trouble is I have to remember the guys that used to be my classmates. Apparently, I have a bad memory at times.
Knowing Manil, one of the parents, is also quite an experience. She's very conservational and stores so much information in her brain that I think of her as a speaking documentary. The both of us will just sit down and chat for 2 - 4 hours non-stop while waiting for her son's tuition to end. It's like talking to a mother who has so much understanding in life to share and I can't wait to hear her speak of incidents that never fail to amaze me.
Oh, I had gotten 5 extra angpows this year. One is from my company, another two are from parents of the students and the last two are from my favourite and amiable teachers - Adrian and Mrs Kwah.
Now I realise that torment is inevitable in life, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you don't get pleasure in the things you do or people you meet along the way. Last of all, I wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
12:53 am