Life is simply Complex AND Complicated!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I'm taking a module entitled "Life as a Complex System" this semester and I must say it's making my life very complex and complicated now. Thinking that it was just a relatively simple and interesting topic (I mean, how complicated can life get?), I didn't realize I had just gotten myself into lots of dilemma. The first lecture was on Chemistry, 2nd lecture was about Biochemistry, 3rd lecture was on Chaos theory and Butterfly effect that arose from the sensitive dependence on initial conditions and the 4th lecture was on DNA, viral assembly and Information (which involves the fundamentals of computing such as binary counting). I have a strong feeling that by the end of all the lectures of this module, I would have covered the basis of every aspect of science.
It's bad enough that I didn't quite understand the lecturer when he said, "Chaos is not Randomness though it can look pretty random." I went like 'huh?' to my friend. It was worse when the professor tried his best to explain that 'Complex is simply NOT Complicated' and his infamous question of "Are Chaotic Systems always Chaotic?".
I was really beginning to consider then if I should take the exposure module on English language.
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
6:00 pm