Straight from Germany
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I'm typing this post from an internet cafe in Germany. It's really a different experience and a bit of a culture and language shock. Every single sentence is in Deutsch (German) and I sometimes struggle with simple things like ordering for a meal. The phrase 'Wie, bitte?' has become one of my favourite phrases in Germany. It bacially means 'Pardon?' I do need it when I get lost in a string of German words. Haha...
Nevertheless, it's a wonderful country to be in. Deutschland is ein größ Land und hat viele schöne Kirchen. I have been to the churches in Köln, Münster and Bonn, and they're really an eye-opener. The churches looked very old, as if they had already built for more than a few centuries. I must admit, the churches just took my breath away as they looked very impressive.
However, the tour guide said that some of the churches were actually rebuilt after the war, since most parts of Germany have been destroyed by bombs during WW2. I was pretty amazed that the Germans were able to rebuilt most of their buildings in such a short period of time.
Oh, I've been eating Bratwurst(fried sausages), Brot (bread) and Eis (ice-cream) almost everyday. The Germans really love them. I'm fine with these though I'm really beginning to get sick of it.
All right, I gotta go. I have to catch a train that leaves in another 30 minutes. I'll update again soon, hopefully! Tschüss!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9:01 pm
Self-introduction in German
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I can still recall my first German oral test in Semester 1. I was so nervous that I couldn't stop stammering. Haha... Anyway, I was supposed to give a short 2-minute self-introduction of myself and my family. I wrote it down so that I can memorise the words like a script. Hehe... Well, here it is:
Hallo! Ich heiße Cindy. Koh ist mein Vorname. Ich bin neunzhen Jahre alt. Ich bin Studentin an der Nationaluniversitat Singapur und mein Hauptfach ist Chemie. Ich lerne auch Deutsch. Deutsch ist schwer, aber es macht immer viel Spaß! Ich finde die Lehrerinnen sehr freundlich und geduldig.
Ich habe viele Hobbys. Meine Hobbys sind Einkaufen, Buch lesen, Musik hören, Briefmarken sammeln, Fotografie und alles. Ich esse auch gern Schokoladekuchen. Comics lesen und Japanischanime sehen sind meine größten Interessen. Mein Lieblingssport ist Joggen und mein Lieblingsessen ist Fisch. Blau und rosa sind meine Lieblingsfarben.
Meine Vater ist in Singapore und ist Geschäftsmann von Beruf. Er putzt die Wohnung und kocht. Ich bin sehr glücklich. Mein ältesten Bruder ist in Sudkorea und studiert er Biotechnologie an der Busan Nationaluniversitat. Seit drei Jahre ist er dort studiert und arbeitet. Mein älter Bruder ist jetzt in USA und kommt er nach Singapur im Juli zurück.
(P.S. The grammer may not be accurate... Hehe... My German is getting rusty...)
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
12:51 pm
Woohoo!!! All confirmed!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
All right! After a few hours of hassle, I have finally changed my return flight at no additional costs. Phew! A great relief! So as of now, I'll leaving for Frankfurt on 11 May and returning to Singapore on 11 June. I'll be going to Vienna (Austria), Venice (Italy) and Zurich (Switzerland) after my 3-week immersion programme in Muenster (Germany). My friends and I have allocated around 1 week to roam around Vienna (City of Music!!!), Venice (City of Canals!!! Facing the threat of sinking!) and Zurich (Largest Swiss city!!! Heard that it's a German-speaking city). Planning is so exhausting... Last minute changes of flights are even more nerve-wrecking... But the enjoyment and eye-opening experiences will definitely be worth the troubles!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
12:03 pm
Cindy ar, PACK your things now!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Exams are just over and as expected, Daddy is reminding me again to start packing. I'm taking my time since the flight is still about 10 days away. I guess I have about 8 days to keep running between my house and my aunt's place. It sure helps to have your aunt to help in the packing, rather than my dad who hardly knows the rightful contents in a girl's luggage.
Oh speaking of exams, I never thought I would experience the crestfallen feeling of desperation after a paper, especially when it's a paper consisting only of MCQs. I had it once during JC2 with the physics preliminary paper. Now, I had the honour of going through the same horror this semester with my lsm paper (60 MCQ questions). Honestly speaking, it is out of pure luck and a miracle indeed if I can even get 20 correct questions out of this paper. The numbers of answers that I'm sure of are countable within 2 hands. This is, without a doubt, the last LSM module that I will take in my whole academic studies in NUS. I'm glad that I wasn't the only helpless soul that thought that the paper was indeed out to kill. I'm praying that I can at least manage a C for this. Thankfully, that was the last paper for this semester and I can recover from the tremors that came along with that lsm paper (I believe ghastly was the word for it).
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11:53 pm