It's never too late to start...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Totally drained out today... 3 weeks of going to NUS to study from morning till evening is no joke. The 3-hour journey from home to NUS and back is sufficient to wear me out. I thought seniors were merely being intimidating when they talked of how horrible the transition from Year 1 to Year 2 is. Now, I get it. It is more than horrible. It is just simply horrifying. Suddenly, I have endless reports, assignments and tons of unrevised lecture notes. With a blink of the eye, the reading week is here and examinations are one week away. I can already feel the jitteriness.
I've been trying to reduce my expenses this semester. I started spending less on meals and I even went to the extent of writing my daily expenses in my notebook. Well, it was initially a spur of the moment to save saving. However, I came to know that one of my friends had managed to live on her own savings with no monthly pocket money from her parents ever since she had completed junior college. The amazing thing is that she is not even receiving a consistent monthly income. She just simply spends from the 3-month wages she had earned during the 3-month vacation. Wow… And to think that that amount of money can actually last her a whole year. She is the first person that I know who does not succumb to temptations and spend unnecessarily. I'm still working hard on that. Well, at least I managed to accomplish something: I haven't spent any on clothes, accessories and non-necessities for close to 4 months. That is quite an accomplishment for me. Haha...
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
10:18 pm